2023 Goal Progress – June

I know I missed a few months of goal updates – and the first time after starting in 2020… but a lot has been happening and something very exciting to share! There are ups and downs across my goals, but definitely on the upwards trajectory. The next 6 months will be very interesting to see!

To see a more detailed breakdown of each goal and how I’m planning to achieve it, check out my Goals for 2023 post.


Before going into my goals, I’ve got an exciting update to make… I’m buying a gym! In a strange and lucky turn of events, I’ll be taking over the lease of a small gym space, and I’ve purchased all the equipement from the previous owner! This will have a huge difference in achieving my goals and just overall growth of the business. Official opening is 20th June!

Reach a revenue of $240,000 by the end of 2023

  • Revenue for May was $7,049 – my biggest month of revenue ever!
  • The biggest change I’ve made recently with Nathan’s Mobile PT is setting up a new online booking system. This new system doesn’t require me to send out invoices after each client has a sessions as all sessions are booked and paid for up front! This reduces my admin work, and just overall mental uptake of tasks and things to do each week. I still do the ocassional invoice for when the system isn’t suited, but this has made so much difference… I wish I did this at the start, but hey, routine builds a habit and it was an okay system before.
  • I’m expecting a big jump in revenue in June and July, and going forwards with the gym space. This will add approx 20 new clients, which is now many I’ve got now roughly… so that will probably lead to close to a doubling of revenue! Only time will tell though.
MonthTotal RevenueTargetDifference

Generate $50,000 in profit by the end of 2023

  • Profit in May was an awesome $2,847!
  • The best month I’ve ever had in terms of profit. I’d contribute this mostly to the new booking system and the requirement to pay up front for sessions (sessions are also being made flat across all clients so that would also help).
  • Previous months nothing too exciting, not too bad, but also not great as I’m really looking to move to a stage where there is at least some profit permonth if not a lot more.
  • The next 6 months will be very interesting. I’ll have more expenses due to paying rent for the lease, but the revenue and hopefully the profit will be much higher.
It’s not great seeing tht my overall profit is negative for 2023. Mostly due to a lack of growth, especially when paying for additional advertisements for both clients and more staff with pretty average returns. Definitely some learnings along the way, but going forwards I’m expecting big changes.

Gain 10 new clients every month (minimum of 120 new clients by the end of 2023)

  • In May, I had 3 new clients.
  • Overall, client growth has been pretty average. Given the gym purchase, I’ve been focusing on saving money where I can and minimising how much money I spend on ads.
  • While there is less money spent on ads and having less leads, conversion is fairly good but there is also the issue of client loss and retention.
  • Total clients is sitting around 23 which isn’t really an increase from the start of the year (actually 1 less client).
  • Once the gym is fully open, I’ll be able to advertise that for new clients and focus more on ads.


Reach a net worth of $250,000

  • On 1 June, my networth was at $135,788.
  • It’s been an average year for my net worth, with ups and downs very frequencly. I’m slowly reaching back up to previous highs, but it will take a downturn nex month when all my cash goes to the gym purchase.
  • You can see how the different components have changed over the months, nothing crazy apart from June withthe change in investment portfolio.

Grow investment portfolio to $50,000

  • On 1 June, my net worth was $0… Yes you read that correctly.
  • To purchase the gym space, I’ve needed to sell my investments. While it feels pretty bad going back to 0, there is a huge upside potential of the gym space and I’m confident I can grow my investment portfolio back faster and better than ever.
  • This has been a super slow year for the investment portfolio, and it may take a while to recover, but I’m expecting a very good recovery. I’ll need to see how things are going towards the end of 2023.


Increase lean muscle mass by 3kg

  • Since the start of May, I’ve been focusing on losing body fat for a short period of time.
  • I probably gained weight a little too quickly in early 2023, so with that came a lot of body fat gain. While probably good for muscle mass, I was around 25% and probably too high to keep focusing on gaining weight.
  • In June, I’ve dropped body fat and it’s slowly continuing. Unfortunatley the muscle mass on the scales has dropped but this could be from a variety of factors. I don’t think I’ve lost muscle, especially looking in the mirror, but of course I could have. The goal is to maintain muscle mass or build muscle while cutting if possible.
MonthWeight (kg)Muscle Mass (kg/%)Body Fat (kg/%)Muscle Mass Change (kg)
January84.663.4 / 74.917.9 / 21.2
February85.863.1 / 74.018.8 / 22.1-0.3
March86.463.0 / 72.920.4 / 23.2-0.1
April87.163.9 / 73.419.8 / 22.7+0.9
May87.262.7 / 71.921.3 / 24.4 -1.2
June83.962.7 / 74.117.9 / 22.00

The next 6 months are going to be pretty crazy! But I’m super excited to see how everthing will go and can’t way to see how it will go once the gym opens in mid-June!


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