Goals for 2022

New year, new opportunity to progress towards things we really want. I will of course be having goals this year, but I want to focus on fewer, more important goals rather than just setting some smaller goals that don’t motivate/inspire me.

While it’s already mid-January 2022, this post will include my goals for 2022 along with a short description and some calculations for me to assess what I need to do to reach them. Again, I’m going to split them into major categories, including Financial/Wealth, Personal Development, Nathan’s Mobile PT, Nathan Challenges Life, etc.

One of my major areas of focus is building Nathan’s Mobile PT – more details on that below!

If you want to see a recap of my 2021 goals, head to this page.

Let’s go!


Reach a Net Worth of $250,000

My net worth is currently at $147,567. In 2021, I grew my networth by $83,011! Due to my progress in 2021, I feel as though I should be able to hit a growth of at least $100,000. Most of this will come from my direct contribution into my investing accounts along with market returns growth. I’m confident I can get to $250,000 but it will require a good level of dedication towards saving and investing.

As a side note, there have been a few changes with my employment which may or may not effect my progress (working 4 days instead of 5). I don’t think I will be hindered by this but it does involve me having a pay-cut, which will lead to slightly less money per month. Time will tell how this will go. But as a result of this, I’m planning on big things this year.

Grow Investment Portfolio to $100,000 (excluding house deposit)

Currently, my portfolio is sitting at $104,268.74. In 2021 this increased by $35,819 which was great. However, this includes my house deposit (currently $41,575). Therefore, my starting point is $62,693. This will be quite a challenge to reach $100,000! While I can do my best to invest each month towards this, it will need a bit more than usual to reach it – but that motivates me to work out how to do that – and I’ve got plans 😛

I use SelfWealth for investing due to low brokerage costs. If you are interested in getting started with investing, I’m more than happy to discuss.

Grow House Deposit to $60,000

As mentioned above, my house deposit is currently $41,575. I wanted to have some aim/goal for this to keep it tracking along. Unfortunately $60,000 isn’t all that much with today’s house prices, but who knows where we will be at the end of 2022, or even 2023. I should be able to reach this goal, but time will tell.

Side note:

You may notice that I don’t have a goal for my savings rate/spending amount. Over the past years of tracking this, I can see where I normally am and I don’t feel like I need to set a goal. I will be tracking spending out of interest but I won’t be aiming for a specific savings rate percentage.


Employ 5 Personal Trainers

One of my main areas of focus in 2022 is building and growing Nathan’s Mobile PT. As part of this, one of the best things I can do is bring on extra personal trainers. I have currently employed one personal trainer and looking for more. I’ve got 7 regular clients but I’m maxed out with my capacity and ability to take on more sessions, so finding and bringing on extra personal trainers along with more clients will really help this scale.

Reach $20,000 in Revenue by 30 June 2022 and $40,000 by the End of 2022

This year I’m setting myself a goal of total income from Nathan’s Mobile PT. Currently as I write this, my revenue for the first half of the financial year is $6,550. This is really awesome to see and at this point a year later, I have made back how much the Personal Training courses were to complete – very cool! I’m hopeful that I can reach these numbers and timeframes with the addition of extra PTs.

Complete a Minimum of 3 Training Courses to Gain New Skills and Improve Knoweldge

As a Personal Trainer, I can complete training courses to gain experience, skill, knowledge and certification points/credits. My goal this year will be to complete at least 3 different training courses. I’ve currently bought and ready to complete a Kettlebell course. These can take a few hours to a few days depending on the course.

Obtain 10 Testimonials from Clients

A key part of an online prescence is having good testimonials/reviews from clients. I’m aiming to have at least 10 available across Facebook and Google pages as they are my major areas of interest (at the moment).

Website and other social links

Do a Minimum of 5 30-Day Challenges

As you may be aware, a key part of my content for Nathan Challenges Life is completing 30-day challenges. For 2022 I want to complete at least 5 new and unique challenges. I am not entirely sure what they will be yet, but I want them to be different than other people have done.

Publish all Previous and 2022 30-Day Challenges on my Website and YouTube Channel.

Over 2020 and 2021 I completed various 30-day challenges. But due to some timing issues I wasn’t able to get them written up as a blog post on my website or published as a YouTube video on my channel. My goal for 2022 is to create and publish all of the previous 30-day challenges that I’ve completed and make videos for each of them for YouTube. I already have an idea how most of them will look but I need to set out the time for it. This includes Wim-Hof, No Social Media, Lucid Dreaming, No Procrastinating at Work, Planking, and Chess… I’m super excited to make these videos!

Maintain a Minimum of 60% Average Viewer Retention for Each Video Published in 2022

Rather than focus on quantity, I want to ensure that each video I publish reaches 60% viewer retention. This is recorded as a percentage of how long people keep watching a video and when they stop watching for whatever reason.

I’m confident I can reach this for my new videos. There have been a few of my older videos that have gotten above 60% viewer retention but a lot of them are around 20-40%.

In 2020, my average viewer retention was 29.6%. In 2021, it was 36.9%. This includes all data across all videos in that period. But for 2022, I’ll be reviewing each video each month to find the retention rate.


Reach a Rating of 850 on Disc Golf Metrix and PDGA

I’ve been really interested in Disc Golf since February 2021 and in 2022 I want to reach an 850 rating as measured through both the Disc Golf Metrix and Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) websites. Currently, my rating on Disc Golf Metrix is 799 and through the PDGA it is 837. Not far off. Here in Canberra, the regular club days every fortnight count towards the rating for Disc Golf Metrix, however, PDGA ratings are only for larger more competition-based events. This may be limited by my ability to go to these events, but with some practice I should be able to make it.

Side notes:

I may add additional goals to this area, but at the moment nothing is jumping out at me that I feel like I need to focus on.

This year, I don’t think I’m going to set a specific reading goal for the number of books this year. My interest in reading varies depending on what I’m doing, so for 2022 I’m just going to read what interests me, otherwise just have a break from reading.


As I did for 2021, I’m going to set myself a few key experiences that I would like to do/try/complete in 2022 (COVID permitting). I’ll add to this list as the year goes on:

  • Go on a multi-day hike
  • Go cycle touring
  • Complete an obstacle course event (e.g., Spartan)
  • Attend a CrossFit class
  • Attend a Jiu Jitsu class

That’s it for my goals for 2022! I may think about these for a little bit and see whether there are any others I want to With some dedication, I should be able to reach most if not all of these. Some will be a lot harder than others, but I’m confident that I can achieve them with enough commitment over the year.

I’d love to hear what your goals are – or even what your biggest focus is for 2022.
